Where are you from originally?
Taipei, Taiwan 

How many years in the symphony?
Eight years.

I have always enjoyed cooking and baking, and this past year I got to try many new ingredients and recipes thanks to a subscription to local CSA boxes and a 25-lb bag of flour from Costco. I was baking so much that my family started to worry how I was able to eat all the baked goods. (hint: pandemic weight gain is very real. Also, I will not be getting the 25 lbs of flour again…) I also love to take care of my growing collection of houseplants. That is to say, if we ever see each other at concerts, I am always very happy to talk about food and houseplants!

Why did you become a professional musician?
Music, like other performing arts, treasures moments. To be in the moment, performing with others and experiencing something very special together both with other musicians and an audience is the reason I cannot stop playing. Violinist Pamela Frank once described this as her “goosebump factor,” and I could not have agreed more.